Science & Technology

FlashCloud Employs Machine Learning to Enable Businesses Tailor Their Sales Pitch

A new machine learning (ML) enabled feature from FlashCloud Intelligence helps business-to-business (B2B) sellers find prospects on social media and identify “buying signals”

FlashCloud Employs Machine Learning to Enable Businesses Tailor Their Sales Pitch

Machine learning helps FlashCloud customers to optimize their sales process. Image: pixabay

FlashCloud Intelligence has launched a Social Intent feature that helps business-to-business (B2B) sellers find prospects on social media and identify their buying signals related to specific products or services.

“We understand the challenges that sellers face in identifying and engaging with prospects on social media. Social Intent is designed to provide real-time insights on social media activities of prospects, helping sellers to tailor their sales pitch and engage with them at the right time.”
Jerry Limber, senior vice president of product strategy and revenue operations at FlashCloud Intelligence

Social Intent uses machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyze social media conversations on various platforms and identify the prospect’s “buying signals”. The feature is available on FlashCloud’s FlashInfo sales intelligence platform, which delivers insights into market trends, competitor activities and customer behaviour.

This solution aims to enable businesses to make informed sales decisions, “identify interested prospects and maximize the chances of closing a deal.”

FlashCloud Intelligence is a provider of Go-to-Market intelligence solutions designed to boost revenue and sales pipeline, powered by the latest data intelligence technologies.

FlashCloud’s flagship info is the sales intelligence platform FlashInfo. The company also provides the FlashAI solution to develop a “human + machine” combination of phone and text customer service, as well as FlashClick SaaS platform for brands, advertisers, e-commerce marketers, and agencies to automate and scale partnership economy.

Integration of machine learning, which is an integral part of Artificial Intelligence (AI), into a data intent signal tracker is a natural way to constantly improve the experience for sellers. Since ML is dynamic, it is able to modify itself when exposed to more data.

There are many advantages for companies that embrace machine learning technology. Those include replacing legacy systems, developing customised solutions and augmenting decision-making processes.

Nina Bobro

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Nina is passionate about financial technologies and environmental issues, reporting on the industry news and the most exciting projects that build their offerings around the intersection of fintech and sustainability.