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Society & Lifestyle

Advantages of US Online Casinos Where You Can Use PayPal

PayPal is an online payment system that uses a brand name. It started as a way to exchange money at a distance without using cash. The system’s origins lie in its early days as an online shopping platform. Many people believed that online banking was unsafe because of security issues. As a result, people didn’t […]


6 Ways To Boost Retention Of Casual Staff For Your Workplace

For many business owners, maintaining a roster of casual staff is an essential element of managing their company operations. Keeping a casual payroll can help business owners fill staffing gaps during busy periods throughout the year, ranging from the holiday season to end of financial year sales, and everything in between.  There’s no denying, however, […]


FTX Reports $415M in Hacked Crypto

The bankrupt FTX crypto exchange reported in a report to creditors that about $ 415 million in cryptocurrency was stolen as a result of hacks.

Finance & Economics

Peel Hunt Analysts Optimistic About Fintech Prospects

Analysts of the Peel Hunt investment bank are convinced that the financial technology industry will actively develop.

Finance & Economics

Bank Silvergate Posts $1BN Loss

Silvergate Bank, which is focused on activities in the field of cryptocurrencies, reported a loss of $ 1 billion in the fourth quarter of 2022.

Finance & Economics

UK Inflation Falls for Second Consecutive Month

In the UK, a decrease in the inflation rate has been recorded for the second month in a row.

Blockchain & Crypto

Blockstream Jade Hardware Wallet Gets Updated

Jade wallet from Blockstream is now compatible with most of the popular wallet apps and platforms, with the newly-released features of camera activation and QR code support

Finance & Economics

New Technologies to Secure Authorized Payments, Zelle Scams

Authorized payments are one of the favorite targets for fraudsters, according to Aite-Novarica Group, they account for two out of five cases of fraud and losses for financial institutions.

Finance & Economics

First UAE Fintech to Launch India UPI Payment Integration

Last week, India decided to open its Unified Payments Interface (UPI) payment gateway for NRIS (non-resident Indians).

News Signs Agreement to Curb Carbon Emissions

To neutralize its direct carbon emissions, has purchased technological carbon dioxide removal from Climeworks. The cryptocurrency exchange aims to advance the case for sustainability of digital finance.

Blockchain & Crypto

How Can Crypto Benefit Education and Financial Literacy

If treated wisely, crypto can be a great tool for financial education. Although this aspect is not widely discussed, the educational value of crypto may be even more promising than its financial utility


Over 1% of Binance Tokens Just got Burned

BNB Chain has burned over $500 million worth of its native BNB tokens during its 22nd scheduled burn, the first quarterly burn of 2023.


Binance Launches Institutional Trading Platform

Almost a year after the service was officially rolled out, Binance finally launched its institutional trading collateral custody platform.

Society & Lifestyle

9 Ways to Prevent Debt From Building Up

Are you struggling to keep your head above water because of your mounting debt? You’re not alone. Millions of people all over the world find themselves in the same situation. In this blog post, we will discuss nine ways that you can prevent debt from building up and ruining your life. Implementing even a few […]

Fintech & Ecommerce

Merchants Will Spend $28B on Financial Crime Prevention Software in 2027: Report

Juniper Research estimates that global spending on financial crime prevention software tools will rise from $22.1 billion in 2023 to over $28.7 billion by 2027


Microsoft to Expand ChatGPT Access

Microsoft will expand access to ChatGPT amid rumors of OpenAI investments.