News - page 300


Major Сardano events 2021-2022: a quick overview

Today, we have prepared a quick overview of those Cardano events that have already influenced the popular blockchain and the ones that are soon to follow

Finance & Economics

GlobalData predicts сard payments in Malaysia to reach $80 billion by 2025

Due to oronacrisis, the demand for contactless and online payments will fuel the growth of the payment card market over the next few years


How to Apply for a Monobank Bank Account as a Foreigner

Foreigners residing in Ukraine now have the opportunity to access financial services with greater ease, as Monobank, one of the country’s leading digital banks, also offers its services to non-Ukrainian residents. Monobank’s convenient mobile app and flexible financial tools make obtaining a card straightforward, even for those without Ukrainian citizenship. This article, brought to you […]

Science & Technology

Digital cross‑border remittances to reach nearly $430B in 2025

This growth will drive competition in the market, as incumbents and new entrants seek to grow market share


Tips to help you play an easier name in a сasino

What if you had no bills to pay? Or what if you could get money with ease to settle your bills? I am pretty sure that most people will no longer wake up early to go to work daily. However, we live in a competitive world where we have to toil every day to make […]


UnionPay teamed up with Switzerland-based bank

This is the first time UnionPay cards are issued in Switzerland

Finance & Economics

Las 5 empresarias más exitosas de Latinoamérica

Queremos contarte un poco del trabajo y la trayectoria de las 5 primeras mujeres nombradas en esta lista

Finance & Economics

Los 5 robos bancarios más conocidos de Latinoamérica

Quedarás impresionado con la logística de los malvivientes y los motines que se han llevado


Los 5 mejores medios de pago en Chile

Sencillito, WebPay, Servipag, Multicaja (Klap), y Redcompra, son uno de los medios más populares en Chile y los revisaremos a continuación

Finance & Economics

Los 7 mejores bancos en Argentina

En este artículo, te comentaremos la lista de los bancos más relevantes de Argentina y lo que ofrecen cada uno de ellos

Science & Technology

Over ¾ of Millennials were mad at their partner over money

The company surveyed nearly 1,000 Gen Zers and millennials who are married, engaged, or in a relationship

Finance & Economics

Los 6 mejores bancos en Chile

 Ahora vamos a ver la lista de los mejores bancos en Chile


Los 5 mejores startups de fintech en Argentina

El ecosistema fintech en Argentina es el tercero más importante de la región latinoamericana y uno de los que mayor crecimiento ha tenido en los últimos años

Blockchain & Crypto

Will Altcoin сapitalization grow by the end of 2020 amid coronacrisis?

John Edwards Freelance Writer     In the past few weeks, the crypto market has experienced some lows. This could be due to a second wave of the coronavirus slowly starting up in some countries. Whatever the reason, the question that has undoubtedly been on everyone’s mind is simple to guess. Can the crypto market […]

Fintech & Ecommerce

How PayPal controls the payments world: benefits for small business

John Murphy Community Relations   It’s hard to imagine a time before the wondrous creation that is the internet but once upon a time we didn’t have it. The internet has revolutionized and helped to shape the world we live in today, and most would agree that it is definitely for the better. The web […]

Science & Technology

The number of connected сars to double by 2025

Cars with embedded connectivity to reach 200 million by 2025