Federal Reserve - page 4

Fintech & Ecommerce

Finastra Completes FedNow Certification

Finastra has become one of the first vendors in the financial services industry to complete the process of testing and certification for the FedNow  – Federal Reserve’s new instant payments service to launch this July


JPMorgan Creates AI Model to Analyze Fed Speeches

A week before the Federal Reserve meeting, JPMorgan Chase & Co. presented an artificial intelligence model based on ChatGPT, the purpose of which is to decipher an in-depth analysis of central bank messages and identify potential signals for the trading sector.

Finance & Economics

The Role of Abraham Lincoln in Establishing the National Banking System

President Abraham is The Great Emancipator for his part in black emancipation. But little is known of his exploits as a major proponent of the federal monetary structure. Andrew Jackson vetoed the “Bank Bill” to the Senate in 1832. Later on, Jackson tagged it as the greatest achievement of his life. The bill killed the […]